Monthly Archives: December, 2013

December 2013 Blog Update

RSS Feeds are dumb. Unlike 99% of blogs, I like to write my articles in pencil: Posting a draft up early before erasing and re-edit it. The problem? RSS feeds do not post edits, only the original article. I didn’t even know until I looked at my own feeds up on BramptonBooster. I guess the …

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A small talk on chance

“In 9/10 games I got gradelocked” “He’s been double critting every game so far!” “Sixth damage heal? Again?” It is human nature to pick on the small stuff. Don’t think someone is “lucky” or “unlucky” based on the amount of jaw dropping sacking. Think about it: You play a game with someone in a tournament …

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Linear Vanguard Algebra PART 1

So…life moment here, I finished my Linear Algebra Exam a couple of days ago. Was worried as hell, but it wasn’t the terrible tyrant it seemed like. But backing a few days before while I was feverishly practicing for said exam vanguard-related stuff derailed me. Aside from the fact that this may affect my GPA, I …

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